

Payments for 2023/2024 School Year

As a convenience to our apprentices, we offer online payment options to pay for your books and fees. The amounts noted below may not match
​the total amount listed due to Paypal Invoicing service fees.

If you are an Apprentice wanting to utilize our Web Services Invoicing
​Course Fee Option via Paypal, Please Stephanie Boatright at 
Payments@etajax.org, do not send payment without contacting our offices!

Student Web Portal

Payment Policy

Per the Policy Statement:
Per Section V – Related Training Classes Expenditures of your signed policy statement:

  1. Course Registration
  2. Every 1st, 2nd , 3rd , and 4th year Apprentice is required to pay a deposit of $100.00 by the 2nd class night in May toward their next year’s course fees. Failure to do this will result in a delay in upgrade pay by 1 month. Each month the deposit is late will result in another month of delayed upgrade pay.
  3. Final payment is due no later than the 3rd official class night for every 2nd, 3rd,4th, and 5th year Apprentice. Failure to do this will result in Termination of Apprenticeship or repeating that year of apprenticeship as decided by the committee.

Monthly Work Report

Please be advised all Apprentices are Required to submit a properly completed, signed monthly work report regardless of employment status or accumulated hours.

Monthly work reports are due at the JATC Office on the first (1st) and before the fifteenth (15th)of each month covering the previous months working hours. Monthly work reports received after the fifteenth (15th) are considered late. It is the responsibility of the apprentice to complete monthly work reports. Please be advised, Falsification of a work report is cause for cancellation of your Apprenticeship Agreement.

Disciplinary action for late/missing work reports not submitted by the fifteenth (15th) of each month are as follows:

One (1) late monthly work report – no action

Second (2nd) late monthly work report will result in a one (1) month delay in the next scheduled wage advancement for each late report

Three (3) or more late monthly work reports will result in an appearance before the Director and or the JATC for further disciplinary action.

The above actions (i – iv) are in any 12 month span. Individuals with cancelled apprenticeship agreements are not eligible to re-apply to the program for one (1) year from their cancellation date at the discretion of the JATC.

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